piano driven live performance playback / midi + touch designer

Projection mapping through a midi-controlled piano. Artist in Residency with Center of Collaborative Arts Fellowship

Research project blends dance and live video processing in interactive performance. The keys of a MIDI-capable piano are mapped to specific frames of a pre-recorded video using Max audio and Touch Designer video software, allowing footage to be remixed live through piano improvisation that drives the video forward, backward, or randomly. Dancer Omar Roman de Jesus then responds to the generated footage with improvised choreography. The desired effect creates an elegant rhythm between the piano and the dancer. Liam plays the up and down the piano scale while pre-recorded footage of Omar moves in tandem with Omar’s live performance, creating a duet between the dancer’s body and digital self. The structural stage portals were designed by Lily Guerin and engineered by Matthias Neckerman.

Erin Sullivan